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Classes help Anchorage re:MADE achieve our mission by creating change in our community, one class, one teacher, one student at a time. Staying true to our mission, classes often focus on teaching projects and skills that repurpose materials, renewing lives by teaching skills in business, and adding more beauty through classes in art and innovation.
Types of Classes:
Using materials readily available in Anchorage re:MADE or out in the community to create something useful and attractive.
Teaching skills that can be applied in various workplace settings, improving hireability.
Community Development (Take One Make One or Family Focused Classes):
Teach a class on making a specific project sold in the re:MADE store. Students make two items, one that they keep, and one that they leave with the store. Family Focused classes are classes structured to engage the whole family in completing a project together, building unity and fostering connection.
: These classes can be focused on anything creative. The goal is for students to learn a new skill or make a project during the class time.
Classes may be scheduled during normal business hours, as well as weekday evenings until 8:00 PM.
Other questions can be sent to
[email protected]
Indicates required field
Instructor's Name
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
We will use your address if we need to send you your check each month.
Phone Number (so that Class Coordinator may contact you in the event of unexpected issues with the class proceeding as scheduled)
Name of Class
Details of Class
Please indicate here the description of the class time [ex: Watercolor painting class with xyz technique, on watercolor paper. We will be creating with blow dryers and salt as well as other mediums. Also include other details - if this is for adults only or if you will break for lunch, etc.
Date and time of class (Anchorage re:MADE requires at least three weeks notice for all classes. The further out the date, the better job re:MADE can do at promoting your class.)
Please indicate both day of week, calendar date, and time slot - Ex: Thursday, October 27, 2016 1 - 4 pm
Registration Deadline (This is the last date that you would like for students to sign up for your class)
If you are utilizing repurposed materials in your classes please check this box to meet with the Class Coordinator in order to discuss options that may help with keeping costs down.
Choose your preferred space
Classroom with bathroom
North Classroom
Sewing Room
Class Size & Student Age Restrictions (if any)
Please list minimum and maximum number of students that you prefer.
Are you willing to have volunteers participate at a lower fee?
How many may attend and the adjusted price?
Artists Bio (for first time instructors)
Please tell a little about yourself to let the students get to know you and the level of knowledge you have. [If you have trouble, have someone who knows you well write this "about you" part].
Student needs experience/skills:
Please list if the student needs to know something before attending - ex: may be helpful if students have sewn by hand.
What will be included
Please list what is included in the class fee - paint, canvas, worksheet, coupon, book, supplies, etc.
Student needs to bring:
Cost Per Student [Minimum amount per student suggested is $35. Please note that a fee of $6 per student or 10% of the ticket proceeds go to Anchorage re:MADE to assist with improving class tools, cc processing, workspaces, and maintenance].
Please indicate if you would like to have your class advertised on Facebook, resulting in a $20 marketing fee.
Yes, I authorize $20 for class fees
No, I will market this class myself.
Photo of Completed Item/Project
Max file size: 20MB
Important Note: Each instructor is expected to leave the space in the same or better condition after class. If volunteers from Anchorage re:MADE need to clean up after your class this will result in a $35-$50 cleaning fee being deducted from earned class fees.
If you are sick or unable to teach a class Anchorage re:MADE will work with you to reschedule. Please notify
[email protected]
as soon as possible.
The Class Coordinator will email you when the Class Submission Form has been received, when the class is live for enrollment, and with regular updates on class enrollment, leading up to the day of your class. If you have questions or need support please do not hesitate to reach out!
Other Comments:
*NOTE - You will receive a W-9 from re:MADE Stores Accounting for teaching classes at Anchorage re:MADE, you will be asked to fill that out for 1099 tax paperwork.